Renting services

Camp Mobility rents assistive devices to healthcare facilities, companies, hotels, nursing homes and private customers. Contact:  or p. +3589 350 76 310 (Mon–Fri 8–16). 

Renting Prices

Rental prices are based on daily rent. In short-term rentals, the minimum billing period is 1 month, but the product can be returned earlier. Rents are invoiced monthly on the last day of the month. Delivery costs are charged separately.

We check credit information from private customers and require a personal identification (ID) number. As an alternative, advance payment is accepted, for foreign tourists.

Renting Time

You can always return the rental product when you wish to our Tampere Logistics Center or contact us that we arrange the pick-up. The minimum billing period is still 1 month.

Service & Maintenance

Take time to understand the user manual of the rental product and provide guidance to the User by following the instructions. More information about the products, including user manuals and instruction videos, you can find from renting products website or contact our customer service.

Maintenance is included in the rental price. For safety reasons, the user may not repair the rental product himself or have a third party repair it or make changes to it. If there are defects in the rental product, please contact us or p. 09 350 76 310 (ma–pe 8–16). 


When you want to return the product contact:
Customer Service 
p. +3589 350 76 310 (Mon - Fri 8-16)

At the end of the renting period, we arrange the rental product’s pick up.
The delivery date of the rental products and the pick-up or return date are included in the rental period. Delivery costs are charged separately.

Read Rental Terms here:

Mervi Jylli
Avainasiakas-/tuotepäällikkö, vuokraus Mervi Jylli